没顶美术馆位于上海市崇明岛西部的绿华镇。美术馆占地约40亩,毗邻西沙湿地公园,南与西紧邻长江南北支,是长江分水岭所在地。没顶美术馆前身为绿华养鸡场鸡舍,始建于上世纪70年代, 建筑面积约为3000平方米。
开放时间:每周三至周日 (节假日不开放) 10: 00 – 16:30
参观预约:接受预约参观, 每日仅开放 20 个参观名额,请提前48小时发送邮件至info@madeinmuseum.art 进行预约。
*温馨提示: 没顶美术馆位于远郊,内部无对外住宿和餐饮条件。
Located in Lvhua Town, Chongming District on the outskirts of Shanghai, MAM stretches over 26,000 square meters of land, adjacent to the Xisha Pearl Lake Scenic Area at the watershed of the Yangtze River. Occupying a former chicken farm, it was first built in the 1970s with a construction area of about 3,000 square meters.
Wednesday–Sunday: 10AM–4:30PM
(Closed on holidays)Monday–Tuesday: CLOSED
Huanhu West Rd., Lvhua Town,Chongming District, Shanghai
Limited access is available for up to 20 visitors per day, so please make a reservation at least 48 hours in advance by emailing info@madeinmuseum.art
Just a friendly reminder that MAM is located in the outskirts of Shanghai and does not have accommodations or dining facilities available for visitors. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you enjoy your visit with us!