
王欣:换头游戏 Wang Xin: Head Swapping Games







—— 王欣



王欣的展览包括:“ 巴西库里蒂巴双年展-脉动” ,巴西(2017);“Ink+. Michael Reid Art Bar & 朱雀画廊”,Michael Reid艺廊 & Vermilion艺术,悉尼,澳大利亚(2023); “一切流转 ”,佐兰·王欣双人展 ,维斯康蒂美术馆,卢布尔雅那,斯洛文尼亚(2023); “在黑暗的洞穴”,个展,贝彻别墅卡拉瑞发利画廊,捷克(2024)等。

MadeIn Art Museum will present emerging artist Wang Xin’s solo project Head Swapping Games on June 22, 2024. Wang Xin’s creations observe nature, the external structure of the body, and internal cavities, attempting to express the relationship between these three elements to explore the uncertain state of things. This new exhibition will showcase a series of Xin’s latest paintings created from 2021 to 2024, inspired by a wordplay in English. These works recombine materials, such as the colored dust of pastel, juxtaposing death, rebirth, desire, and fundamental particles of the universe. The reorganization suggests the instability of material entities, pointing towards the transition between different forms and mediums.

MadeIn Art Museum is a living space. Grasshoppers, cicadas, and frogs shout, mantises, locusts, and snakes surge with undercurrents, insect eggs, and dew spiral in form. It is a patch of mixed green, a whole “rhizome.” Here, I want to recreate the “Re-attach” game of my childhood.

It’s like assembling the head of a cicada that fell from a summer tree with the body of a grasshopper, or combining the dissolving and decaying animal bodies in wild grass with mineral stones; holding specimens to connect with distant bungalows through perspective; I want to connect plants to mountain caves… I freely swap all the “heads” within my sight, combining seemingly unrelated materials: animal legs, biological humans, plants, fingers, cavities, houses, spiral green dots – dissolving the barriers between the abstract and figural, and the spectral and physical.

I experience the creator’s fun, feel the expanded signals released by neurons, and the hair behind foreign materials, the light of the medium. Rejection, reorganization, arrangement, and alternation, like a cosmic explosion that occurred 13.8 billion years ago, where all galaxies and everything within them, all mass and matter, could fit into a space smaller than an atom.

I build, stack, and discover the structure of the cosmic exit and entrance hidden in the traversing space, achieving entry and exit in the spatial dimension. It’s like finding a tubular wormhole that connects different locations within the same universe, or even two separate universes, enabling interstellar travel.

The head and the body it connects to shuttle, subatomic particles reorganize, recombine in the internal environment; the original head floats, trembles, compresses, dissolves, reorganizes, embeds, and generates automatically, with the body becoming a new head to continue the new cycle.

Everything is in a state of change, a game of switching intermediate states.

——Wang Xin

Wang Xin

Wang Xin graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing China, where she earned both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Fine Arts. She currently lives and works in Beijing and Sydney.

Her work observes and summarizes the relationship between the external structure of nature and the body.  Connections between inorganic material and living matter leads her to metaphysical speculation and to the exploration of the intermediate states of the universe.

Juxtaposing death, rebirth, desire, and the fundamental particles of the universe with microorganisms, atomic molecules, crystalline cells, she deconstructs their vibrations, and transformations,

Pastel is Wang Xin primary medium and recently she creates large unique paintings made with silk screen printmaking process. Wang devices a unique approach to silk screen painting by firstly scanning her small-scale drawings, significantly inflating the scale and combining with images of other works. Those blow ups, often additionally worked on  with oil sticks, are than exposed to a single large screen. That screen Wang than uses to paint image in a single pull on the canvas, using small squeegees and multiple colors – often metallic and pearlescence ones. The process is intense, single printing session affair with the serendipitous out of control results associated with such unorthodox silk screening process.

Wang Xin’s exhibitions include: “Pulse”,Bienal de Curitiba,Curitiba,Brazil .(2017); ”Ink+.” Michael Reid Art Bar & Vermilion Art, Sydney, Australia (2023); ”Panta Rei,” Zoran Music(Slovenian,1909-2005) & Wang Xin Duo Exhibition, Visconti Fine art gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2023); “In The Dark Grotto” ,solo exhibition ,Art Museum of Karlovy Vary, Interaktivní galerie Becherova vila,Czech Republic. Curated by Prof. John Yau, New York (2024)