
常设展:登陆1.0 Permanent Display: Embracing Chaos 1.0 徐震®

70年代开始围垦出来的这片土地,今天我们要来使用它。3万多人,12个月,140多万方土,围垦出了17公里长的大堤,填出了4万多亩沃土。这是1971年发生在这里的第一次“生态行动”。这短短的50年的大地上,社会主义垦荒史,集体农业生活,新时期国家生态示范区…叠加登场。 今天,徐震带着他的十几个雕塑空投到了这里。它们掀开屋顶,扒开草丛,直扑到位。把这里当成月球一样登陆,想要接过围垦的接力棒,发明自己的风景。


在徐震20多年的职业生涯中,他发展出了一种波普主义的实践下的新城市主义波普行动,在中国城市化进程中搅拌出新的波普主义程式。从“徐震超市”,“运动场”,“意识形状博物馆”,“基地”(苹果专卖店)到此次崇明岛没顶美术馆的“登陆1.0”。 徐震®的创作是对全球化城市现实里的错位美学和伦理的嘲讽和戏虐。徐震®凭借其概念打造的力度,对于当代技术-景观-商品现实的美学关怀、和伦理检验,构筑出一个当代艺术新的创造性实践。




徐震 2004年获得中国当代艺术奖(CCAA)“最佳艺术家”奖项,并作为年轻的中国艺术家参加了第49届威尼斯双年展(2001) 主题展,徐震的创作非常广泛,包括装置、摄影、影像和行为等。 他的作品在世界各地的博物馆和双年展均有展出,包括威尼斯双年展(2001,2005)、纽约现代艺术博物馆(2004)、国际摄影 中心(2004)、日本森美术馆(2005)、纽约现代艺术博物馆PS1(2006)、英国泰特利物浦美术馆(2007)、英国海沃德画廊(2012)、里昂双年展(2013)、纽约军械库展览(2014)、上海龙美术馆(2015)、卡塔尔Al Riwaq艺术中心(2016)、悉尼双年展 (2016)、纽约古根海姆美术馆(2017)、沙迦双年展(2019)、洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆(2019)、澳大利亚堪培拉国立美术馆 (2020)等。

在艺术家身份之外,他同时还是策展人和没顶公司创始人。1998年,徐震作为联合发起人创办了上海第一家独立的非营利机构比翼中心。2006年,他与上海艺术家一起创办了网络艺术社区Art-Ba-Ba(www.art-ba-ba.com),至今还是中国最活跃的探讨、评论当代艺术的平台。2009年,徐震创立了当代艺术创作型公司没顶公司(MadeIn Company),以生产艺术创造力为核心,致力于探索当代文化的无限可能。2013年,没顶公司推出徐震®,专注于艺术品创作和新文化研发。2014年,成立没顶画廊,全方位推广艺术家,引领文化浪潮。2016年11月,首家“徐震专卖店”于上海开业,徐震®由此进入全新发展阶段。

Now we are going to use this land reclaimed in the 1970s. It took over 30,000 people twelve months to work on over 1.4 million square meters of land, reclaim a 17-kilometer-long embankment, and fill over 2,600 hectares of fertile soil. This was the first local “ecological action” that took place in 1971. Over a short span of the past fifty years, the land has witnessed socialist land reclamation, collective agricultural life, and the establishment of the “new-era national ecological demonstration area”, among many other incidents.

Today, Xu Zhen airdrops himself here along with a dozen of his sculptures. They tear open the roof, rip through the grass, and pounce right into place. Landing here as if it were the moon, Xu Zhen wants to pick up the baton of recla- mation and invent landscape of his own.

MadeIn Art Museum will present “XU ZHEN®: Embracing Chaos 1.0” as its permanent display. In the indoor and outdoor spaces of the Museum, Xu Zhen launched this live art scene in 2021 where objects such as artifacts, ecology, collective memory, and myths are superimposed, agitated, constantly added in and nurtured.

During his career spanning over two decades, Xu Zhen has developed a new urbanist Pop action informed by Pop art practice and stirred up a new Pop formula in the process of China’s urbanization. From Xu Zhen Supermarket, Move- ment Field, Physique of Consciousness Museum, Base, to “Embracing Chaos 1.0” at the Museum in Chongming Island, the works of XU ZHEN® have been a ridicule and mockery of the dislocated aesthetics and ethics in the globalized cityscape. With his conceptual strength, XU ZHEN® constructs a new creative practice of contemporary art with an aesthetic interest in and ethical examination of the contemporary technology-landscape-commodity reality.


XU ZHEN®, founded by artist Xu Zhen in 2013, is the flagship art brand of MadeIn Company. Born in 1977, Xu Zhen is a leading Chinese artist and curator, and the founder of MadeIn Company. XU ZHEN® is committed to art creation and cutting-edge culture development. Through collecting and appreciating artworks and events produced by XU ZHEN®, users can enjoy spiritual aspirations and life experiences of the finest quality.

Xu Zhen

Artist, Curator, MadeIn Company Founder
Xu Zhen was born in 1977, and lives and works in Shanghai.
In 2004, Xu Zhen won the prize for ‘Best Artist’ at the China Contemporary Art Award. His practice covers various media such as installations, video, painting and performance, etc.
Xu Zhen has exhibited internationally, at museums and biennales, such as, Venice Biennale (2001, 2005), The Museum of Modern Art (New York, 2004), Mori Art Museum (Tokyo, 2005), MoMA PS1 (New York, 2006), Tate Liverpool (2007), Hayward Gallery (London, 2012), Lyon Biennial (2013), Armory Show (New York, 2014), Long Museum (Shanghai 2015), Al Riwaq Art Center (Qatar, 2016), Sydney Biennial (2016), Guggenheim Museum (New York, 2017), Sharjah Biennial (2019), Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles, 2019), National Gallery of Australia (Canberra, 2020), among others.

Aside from being an artist, Xu Zhen is also a curator. He co-curated together with other artists major exhibitions in Shanghai and was one of the initiators of Art-Ba-Ba (www.art-ba-ba.com), a leading online forum for discussion and critique of contemporary art in Shanghai, in 2006. In 2009, Xu Zhen established ‘MadeIn Company’, a contemporary art creation corporate, focused on the production of creativity, and devoted to the research of contemporary culture’s infinite possibilities. In 2013, MadeIn Company launched XU ZHEN® which is committed to art creation and cutting-edge culture development. In 2014, MadeIn Company established MadeIn Gallery and in November 2016 launched the first “Xu Zhen Store” in Shanghai.