
金锋 Jin Feng

金锋,1967年生于中国上海,多媒介艺术家。1991年毕业于上海中国纺织大学工艺美术专业(现东华大学), 2012年上海戏剧学院舞台美术系视觉艺术MFA硕士。2000年以来长期参与上海艺术家群体的自我组织的各种 当代艺术活动及展览,“未来的节日”主要组织者和发起人之一。“江南基栈”发起人之一。“泡卡司”当代艺术播 客主创之一,2021年上海双年展“生态联盟”馆校合作项目“超流体”,上海视觉艺术学院单元总指导教师。

Jin Feng (b.1967, Shanghai, China) is a multi-media artist who graduated from China Textile University in Shang- hai (now Donghua University) in 1991 with a degree in Arts and Crafts. He also holds an MFA in Visual Arts (2012) from Shanghai Theatre Academy. Since 2000, Jin has been closely involved in contemporary art activities and exhibitions initiated by the artist community in Shanghai. A co-founder of Future Festival and Jiangnan Stack, he is also one of the producers behind Powcast, a podcast on contemporary art. Jin also served as the chief advisor of “Superfluid,” a project by students of Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts in “an Ecosystem of Alliances,” the second phase of the Shanghai Biennale 2021 which invited local art institutions to participate.